Neil Brown is a colleague for over 20 years. He is a licensed clinical social worker meeting the needs of California families, those in crisis needing an expert. He is located in Santa Cruz, California. He specializes in consultation and family therapy with adolescent, young adults, and adults who are at high risk. He works collaboratively with BPPS in providing coaching and intervention with families in crises.

Carrie has “an eye” for photography and she is exceptional with parents. She oversees our support services with thirty years of experience in the field of education and parental advisement. She is the intake person for the northern California offices, and coordinates the activities of the office and Dr Burdick. Carrie holds a M.A. in Multicultural Education and a B.A. in Education. She is well versed in culture and art and knows options for creative youth needing gap year & college choices. A mother of adult children with tremendous insight into parenting.

Liora is an Executive Coach and Parent Coach for educational and therapeutic placements. She provides support to families by setting up regular online conferences. She has a background in organizations and mental health services. She is located in Istanbul and Amsterdam depending on her studies and travel.” She is located in Istanbul and Amsterdam depending on her studies and travel. [Note: We speak Turkish, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and of course English at BPPS. We collaborate well with other international practitioners.]