International School Psychology meets Amsterdam

ISPA (International School Psychology) is a major player nowadays in the world audience of educational, as well as mental health concerns. Nowhere else is peer-to-peer activity so important to social and academic concerns than within the schools and school systems.

Last week, we heard from ISPA the need to provide ‘data driven’ decision-making research, and that’s what we saw in the poster, paper, and keynote presentations. The ideals of embracing culture and diversity were so ever-apparent, along with making education ‘available’ for those with disabilities.

Amsterdam was the ‘perfect’ venue for ISPA given all of the public transportation and walking accessible routes, colleagues of mine and I were able to spend ‘quality time’ discussing international school psychology matters.

IMG_1621My presentation “When School Is Just ‘Too Much’ Comes a Positive Outdoor Solution” was wonderfully received by international practitioners unfamiliar with outdoor (aka wilderness) treatment and US practitioners familiar with it. Both RedCliff and Wingate were reviewed, and highlighted was the journal article written by Steven DeMille and myself.

That article appears in July 2015 Journal of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, and was a 1st place award winner in Prague last year in winning the ‘cultural crossover’ category.

Overseas Recovery: One shoe doesn’t fit all…

the shoeJust as one shoe doesn’t fit all sizes, one program doesn’t fit all individuals seeking treatment.
intro to The CabinTake for example The Cabin in Chiang Mai. The type of person that would feel comfortable at The Cabin would feel so given the type of culture promoted by the center itself. That is to say, that not everyone would feel comfortable there, and might rather be more comfortable, say, at somewhere like Castle Craig in northern Scotland near Edinburgh. The façade of CC

Indeed, it’s a completely different feeling that one gets, along with somewhat of a different population. Many more Dutch at one, due to the proximity to the Netherlands, vs. Chiang Mai where you might find more of an Asian or Australian population.
Bedroom CC
Certainly, one center might be more appropriate for female than male. For example when one looks at the bedrooms, you get a different ambiance, and sense of privacy. These are not impressions that you can take from a website. You need to be there, to spend time to get to know staff and view the surroundings and the population, before a referral source can feel comfortable making a placement.

Plus, as I get to know the individual, I get a sense of what will work, and what will not work for that person who is searching for a quality recovery experience, one that decades later they can look back and say: that was the beginning, it was fantastic!Culture CC This American Psychologist travels the world to find the better match, the better resource for the best client — YOU!world over

Castle Craig LuncheonWhen you become a client, you’re part of the team called “Success” in recovery. Where does success look to take you?

Summer Opportunities for Teens and Young Adults

I’m that Licensed Education and Therapeutic Consultant that can help make those decisions about unique and motivating, if not compelling outdoor experiences for youth. Not all meet the same objectives; it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ scenario.

Neil Brown, LCSW a therapist in Santa Cruz, California knows first hand the value of working in concert with my professional program recommendation. Together we make it a ‘win-win’ placement outcome for both the client and the family.

Here is Neil’s blog entry on the topic:

I hope to see more of this type of conversation on Neil’s blog as he gears up for the release of his book on control battles. Programs are a meaningful part of solving family battles, and summer is the perfect time to build a ‘happy’ family again.

Do something ‘meaningful’ for your family this summer: Help motivate to create a better life! Talk Up Summer Options!

Success in BUDAPEST!

WEBA Provides an excellent opportunity for agent / consultant such as myself to preview select schools. this month in Budapest I made partners with Grier, Sierra Canyon, Inglingua, The Royal School and others. Additionally, agent partners in Hungary help to place the students, particularly those looking for culture and ‘life experience’ within safe, thriving home stay settings. THIS is what we do: help Americans and Europeans to successfully make connections through education to advance their future. THIS is the reason we do it: to build ‘success’ stories for those who view their ‘global future’ in becoming ‘global citizens’. This is tomorrow, TODAY!

Vincere, Netherlands addiction treatment

VincereOften the question is raised, “Where do you send someone with a profile of addiction and….” with key terms added that make you think of a place, or a staff member.

This type of question cannot be answered by someone who hasn’t ‘been there’ and ‘experienced’ the place and the staff. Arno Mak and Danielle Holloway were kind to make that happen, and I saw and experienced first hand what Dutch and other Europeans find special and meaningful about Vincere.

First, they take Dutch insurance, and help those can’t pay the thirty percent difference in never rejecting a client who is serious in pursuing their own personal recovery. Second, they follow sound clinical practices, and their psychiatrist is a very solid and notable practitioner. Third, they hire staff who have been through recovery and are compassionate in working with others, and fourth they have lovely, peaceful and secure grounds that make it easier to stay focused on one’s own health and recovery.

IMG_0943Treatment planning takes people sitting down at the table. Which facility to reside is answered by the referent and the intake. There are both public and private pay options in the Netherlands and South Africa.

I am pleased to be associated with this group and happy to guide and facility the process. I work with terrific interventionists such as Peter ter Horst who assist clients moving to treatment. It clearly takes a team and the people at Vince Treatment provide that encouragement.