Dr Burdick’s ‘meet & greet’ at the Amsterdam Pulitzer Garden Event

Committed to help

Committed to help

Local  mixing opportunities with european professionals don’t come every day.  Networking in Europe is different than in the US in being more confidential, and often ‘closed’ to non-locals.

Caron Ocean Drive in it’s wisdom recognized the importance of having myself, a licensed and chartered psychologist make those relations with the business and professional community here in Amsterdam.

Best Delft barbecue!

Best Delft barbecue!

Today was the perfect day for a summer garden party and providing the perfect opportunity to share with invitees the Florida model treatment as developed by Sid Goodman, and develop relationships of trust between Ocean Drive and the Dutch.

Mental health and sobriety are known to the Dutch. And yet the feel of the recovery community here is unique. Ocean Drive has quite a similar unique ability to tailor the treatment plan to match the individual — from wherever they come. I’ve experienced this fact for myself as a referent and consultant.




You may be interested in organizing this type of event in Europe. Summer is in full swing, and now is your chance by letting us know how we can help.

Treatment is gaining traction here in the EU, thanks to the Caron Ocean Drive and Renaissance folk sponsoring my efforts.

Oh, and the oysters are outstanding!