NATSAP 2017: Great opportunity to connect

Tucson in January can be quite chilly. 0 Celsius (and below) at night. The warmth came from meeting my colleagues in the behavior, mental health, recovery, and special needs industry. Here at NATSAP is where the planets come together, and the best share their insights and research on ‘what works’. NATSAP is an organisation we support, and pleased to be a professional member.

If you have a family member who needs specialised care, and the trust of an industry that cares, then we can help. We provide guidance and follow through to families anywhere in the world who need this concierge service. And we do provide services anywhere in the world.

It start with a conversation. If we can’t provide you the best residential options, we will refer you to who can, including local options such as therapeutic support. We would love to help you. and we communicate fast to set up appointments via face-to-face or teleconference via SKYPE.

In case you’re wondering, here in Tucson nobody is at the pool! It’s chilly and everyone at the conference is feeling the warmth of the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs or NATSAP.

Dr Mark Burdick